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Rock Island - 20DT472

Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted due to no reasonable grounds to arrest 

Case dismissed


Scott County, IA - OWCR404777 

Case dismissed


Scott County, IA - OWCR405882 

Case dismissed


Scott County, IA - SRCR3988674



Rock Island - 20CF709 

Case dismissed


Rock Island - 1994CF306

Petition for Post Conviction Relief granted; Defendant released after serving more than 25 years of 70 year sentence

Henry County- 21DT54

Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted due to no reasonable grounds to arrest 

Case dismissed


Whiteside County- 21DT111

Petition to Rescind Dtatutory Summary Suspension granted due to no reasonable grounds to arrest 

Case dismissed


Henry County - 20CM270

Motion for Mistrial granted with prejudice 

Case dismissed

Henry County - 21CF222 - 

Motion to Suppress granted for no probable cause to search;

State filed appeal due to lack of evidence because of Defendants victory at hearing; 

We are currently defending the case on appeal


Henry County - 21CF266

Motion to suppress granted due to no probable cause to search;

State filed appeal due to lack of evidence because of Defendants victory at hearing;

We are currently defending the case on appeal


Mercer County - 20CF3

Motion to Suppress granted due to no probable cause for issuance of search warrant

State has no evidence to proceed with case


Whiteside County - 22DT69

Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted due to no Reasonable grounds to arrest 

Case dismissed


Scott County, IA - AGCR399420

Motion for Directed Verdict

Aggravated Misdemeanor dismissed after directed finding of not guilty

Henry County - 2020CF73 - Case dismissed at preliminary hearing


Henry County - 2020CF30 - Case dismissed at preliminary hearing 


Henry County - 2018CF478 - NOT GUILTY; Jury Trial

18DT81 (Henry Co) - DUI: Bench trial. Not guilty. Case dismissed.

19CF298(Rock Island Co.) - Possession of Cannabis with intent to Deliver. Motion to Suppress. Motion to Dismiss granted.

Rock Island County, IL - Motion to Suppress Granted Rock Island 20 kilos of cocaine - 2017CF154 


Muscatine County, Iowa - Motion to Suppress Granted - .22 BAC  OWCR 059410 - CDL driver revocation rescinded


Whiteside County, IL CDL driver granted court supervision by Judge who didn't believe that a CDL holder could ever get court supervision - 2018DT123


Henry County, IL - Motion to Suppress Granted HGN Test and Breath Test Suppressed 2x Legal limit BAC - 2018CF184

18-DT-103 (Henry County) DUI - Motion to Suppress Breathalyzer results granted.

18-CF-397 (Henry County) - Unlawful possession of a Controlled Substance-Motion to Quash Arrest and Suppress Evidence Granted.

18-DT-151 (Henry County) DUI: Motion to Suppress Granted: Case Dismissed.

2018-DT-304 (Rock Island County) - DUI – Petition to rescind granted. Driver’s License Reinstated! 

2018-DT-151 (Henry County) - DUI – Petition to rescind granted / motion to suppress PBT granted. Driver’s License Reinstated! 

2018-TR-4653 (Henry County) - Passing a school bus – Bench trial NOT GUILTY!

2018-DT-140 (Henry County) - DUI Petition to rescind granted – Driver’s License Reinstated!

2018-DT-117 (Henry County) - DUI SSS Rescinded – Motion to suppress granted. CASE DISMISSED!

2018-DT-150 (Henry County) - DUI SSS Rescinded – Motion to suppress granted. CASE DISMISSED!

2018-CF-348 (Henry County) - Delivery of cannabis – case dismissed. 

2018-CF-145 (Henry County) August 07, 2018.Possession of a controlled substance – case dismissed. 

2018-CM-157 (Henry County) June 28, 2018. Domestic Battery – case dismissed. 

2018-DT-15 (Henry County) April 12, 2018. DUI – case dismissed. 

2017-TR-17034 (Rock Island County) April 10, 2018. Failure to yield – not guilty. 


2018-TR-87 (Henry County) March 22, 2018. Speeding / Construction zone – case dismissed. 


2017-DT-99 (Henry County) January 8, 2018. DUI (drugs) bench trial. Defendant found not guilty.  

2017 IL APP (30) 170209-U (Henry County) December 20, 2017. Drug Trafficking: motion to suppress granted. Appellate court affirms. Case to be dismissed. 

2017-CF-204 (Henry County) November 15, 2017. Felony DUI: motion to suppress granted. Case dismissed. 

2017-DT-172 (Henry County) November 2, 2017. DUI Petition to Rescind SSS granted. Defendant’s driver’s license returned.

2017-MR-05 (Mercer County) October 23, 2017. DUI vehicle forfeiture.  Case dismissed. Vehicle returned Mercer County to client.

2017-CF-237 (Henry County) October 17, 2017. Felony DUI: Motion to Suppress granted. Case dismissed.

2016-CF-429 (Henry County) September 19, 2017.  Drug Trafficking: Counts I & II dismissed. Defendant pled guilty to Count III (Possession). 48 months probation. 180 days electronic home monitoring.

2016-CF-197 (Henry County) September 19, 2017.  Drug Trafficking: Counts I & II dismissed. Defendant pled guilty to Count III (Possession). 48 months probation. 90 days home confinement.

2017-CF-132 (Henry County) August 31, 2017. DUI hearing on Petition to Rescind SSS; petition granted; Defendant’s license reinstated.

2016-CF-349 (Henry County) August 07, 2017. Drug Trafficking; Counts I & II dismissed. Defendant pled guilty to Count III (Possession). 48 months probation. 180 days jail with 90 SPC.

2016-DT-05 (Stark County) August 04, 2017. DUI Bench trial; set 08/08/17 – dismissed.

2017-MR-52 (Henry County) June 22, 2017. Car forfeiture; Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss granted; car returned to Defendant.

2017-CF-35 (Henry County) June 15, 2017. Negotiated plea; felony drug delivery reduced to Misdemeanor possession of cannabis; 18 month court supervision, no conviction.

2016-DT-152 (Henry County) May 24, 2017. DUI Bench trial; Defendant found Not Guilty; case dismissed.

2017-DT-39 (Henry County) May 11, 2017. DUI hearing on Petition to Rescind SSS; petition granted; Defendant’s license reinstated.

2015-CF-54 (Henry County) March 6, 2017. Drug trafficking, Motion to Suppress granted.

2015-CF-55 (Henry County) March 6, 2017. Drug trafficking, Motion to Suppress granted.

2017-CF-81 (Henry County) March 6, 2017. Drug trafficking, Motion to Reduce Bond from $500,000 to $200,000 granted. Defendant posts bond & is released pending trial.

2015-DT-243 (Henry County) January 31, 2007. Petition to Rescind SSS granted. Suspension is Rescinded license reinstated. Motion to Dismiss DUI charged granted. case dismissed.

2016-DT-187 (Henry County) December 28, 2016. Petition to Rescind SSS granted. Suspension is rescinded – license reinstated.

2016-CF-68 (Henry County) August 12. 2016. Aggravated DUI: Motion to Suppress Blood Draw: Motion granted, SSS rescinded.

2016-CF-289 (Henry County) August 29. 2016. Felony Domestic Battery: Preliminary hearing: No probably cause; case dismissed.

2016-CM-121 (Henry County) August 30. 2016. Attempt obstructing justice, possession of cannabis; Bench Trial; Not guilty.

2016-CM-91 (Henry County) June 23. 2016. Disorderly conduct, Bench Trial, Motion to Dismiss granted.

2016-DT-71-72 (Henry County) June 23. 2016. DUI and SSS hearing, Motion to Dismiss granted, Petition to Rescind SSS granted, Driver’s license reinstated.

2016-DT-2-3 (Whiteside County)June 09. 2016. DUI Motion to Dismiss granted.

2013-CF-35 (Henry County) June 03. 2016. Drug Trafficking, Counts I & II dismissed, Defendant plead Guilty to Count III (possession with intent), 36 months probation, 180 days in jail.

2015-DT-28-29 (Henry County) June 01. 2016. DUI, Bench Trial, Defendant found Not Guilty.

2015-CF-65 (Henry County) April 25. 2016. Drug trafficking, Motion to Suppress granted, State appeals, Appeal is dismissed.

2016-CF-58 (Henry County) March 24. 2016. Obstructing Justice, Possession of Cannabis, Motion to Dismiss granted.


2016-CF-56 February 24. 2016. Drug Trafficking: Motion to Reduce Bond granted, Bond reduced from $100,000 to $40,000. Defendant release pending trial.

2016-DT-02 February 23. 2016. DUI: Petition to Rescind Statutory Suspension granted, license reinstated.

2015-DT-187 January 7. 2016. DUI: Bench trial, Defendant found not guilty.

2015-CF-206 December 14. 2015. Felony Aggravated DUI: Motion to Suppress granted, State appeals, Appeal pending.

2015-DT-136 September 15. 2015. DUI. Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted. License Reinstated.

2015-CM-311 September 10, 2015. Disorderly Conduct – Motion to Dismiss granted.

2015-CF-65 August 26, 2015. DRUG TRAFFICKING. Motion to Suppress granted.

2013-CF-310 August 13, 2015. POSSESSION WITH INTENT TO DELIVER CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Appellate Court affirms Trial Court’s decision to grant Motion to Suppress. Case dismissed.

2015-DT-23/24 June 10, 2015. DUI: Bench trial: Case Dismissed.

2015-DT-73 May 26, 2015. DUI Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted. 7-22-15 DUI dismissed.

2012-DT-132 April 20, 2015. DUI. Bench trial. Not Guilty. Case Dismissed.

2015-DT-28 April 14, 2015. DUI. Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted. License reinstated.

2014-CF-45 Dec 29,2014. Drug trafficking,Possession with intent to deliver cannabis. motion to suppress granted. Feb 2,2015. case dismissed.

2013-CF-133 July 18, 2014. Aggravated DUI (3rd Violation) Bench Trial. Not Guilty. Case dismissed.

2013-CM-133 July 11, 2014. Reckless Driving, Aggravated Assault, Disorderly Conduct. Jury Trial. Verdict of Not Guilty. Case dismissed.

2014-CF-40 June 24, 2014. Aggravated Battery (police officer), Criminal Damage to Property, Obstructing a Police Officer. Jury trial: Verdict of Not Guilty. Case dismissed.

2013-CF-310 June 2, 2014. Unlawful possession/delivery of a controlled substance – cocaine. Defendant’s motion to reconsider granted. Defendant’s motion to suppress granted.

2011-CF-327 April 8, 2014. Felony DUI (non-probationable, 4-15 years DOC) Bench Trial. Defendant found not guilty. Cased dismissed.

2014-CF-39/89 Aggravated DUI (3rd Violation). Bench trial. Not Guilty. Case Dismissed (Mercer County)

2013-TR-770 Bench Trial: Illegal Transportation of Alcohol, Not Guilty.

2013-CM-224 Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia: Motion to dismiss granted. Case dismissed.

2013-CF-218 Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Motion to Dismiss granted. Case dismissed.

2013-CF-156 Aggravated Fleeing & Eluding: Motion to Dismiss Granted. Defendant Released from Jail.

2013-CF-90 Felony Driving While License Revoked. Bench Trial. Motion for Directed Finding After States case. Granted. Case dismissed.

2013-CF-71 MFG/Delivery of Cannabis, Possession of Cannabis. Motion to Suppress filed by Defendant and Conceded by State. Case dismissed.

2013-MR-46 Drug Forfeiture Hearing: Judgment against State and In Favor of Claimant. iPhone ordered returned to Claimant.

2013-MR-33, 2013-MR-34 Drug Forfeiture Hearing: Judgment against State and In Favor of Claimant. $11,000 returned to Claimant.

2012-CF-448 Felony Violation/Order of Protection, Preliminary Hearing – No Probable Cause, Case dismissed.

2012-CF-442 Bench Trail: Home Invasion, AGG Battery, Criminal Damage, Criminal Trespass, Motion Directed Verdict Granted, Aggravated Intimidation, Motion in Arrest of Judgment Granted, Case Dismissed, Defendant Released from Jail.

2012-DT-256 DUI jury trial: Defendant found not guilt. Case dismissed.

2012-CF-242 Felony Driving White License Revoked Motion to Quash Arrest granted, Case dismissed.

2012-DT-219 Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension granted, Driver’s License reinstated.

2012-CF-193 Sentencing: Aggravated Stalking 30 Months Probation. Jail Sentence Stayed Pending Compliance.

2011-DT-403 DUI Motion to Quash Arrest granted, Case dismissed.

2011-CF-398 Felony Driving While License Suspended Jury Trial Motion for Directed Verdict granted, Case dismissed.

2011-CF-148 Aggravated DUI. Petition to Revoke Probation. Bench Trial. Court finds no violation. Petition denied and dismissed.

2010-CF-298 Drug Trafficking Motion to Suppress granted, Case dismissed.

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